Anthropogenic Mortality Carcass Sampling Biases Systematic Review Wildlife Mortalitywind Energy


Ecological Applications , 2022

Scavenging is a key ecological process controlling energy menses in ecosystems and providing valuab... more

Scientific Reports , 2022

Over millennia, human being intervention has transformed European habitats mainly through all-encompassing liv... more than

Bones and Applied Ecology , 2022

Carrion consumption by scavengers is a key component of both terrestrial and aquatic food webs. H... more

Ambio , 2022

In recent decades, intensive techniques of livestock raising have flourished, which has largely r... more

Ecology , 2021

Species assemblages frequently have a non-random nested organization, which in vertebrate scavenger (c... more

Science of The Total Environment , 2022

Scavengers provide significant nature's contributions to people (NCP), including illness control ... more

Avian Research , 2021

Electrocution and collisions on ability lines are among the leading causes of non-natural mortality... more

Science of The Total Surround , 2021

Nature's contributions to people (NCP) may be both beneficial and detrimental to humans' quality ... more

Biotropica , 2021

Scavenging is widespread among vertebrates, beingness very important for maintaining certain ecosyste... more

Revista General de Derecho Animal y Estudios Interdisciplinares de Bienestar Beast / Journal of Animal Police & Interdisciplinary Fauna Welfare Studies , 2021

El lobo (Canis lupus), al igual que otros grandes carnívoros, está recuperando su antiguo territo... more

Quercus , 2021

Unos 150 aerogeneradores y más de 120 kilómetros de nuevos tendidos eléctricos traerán a Cabrera ... more

Quercus , 2021

Matar lobos no puede ser la principal herramienta de gestión de la especie bajo la cobertura lega... more

Ecological Economics , 2021

Nature's contributions to people (NCP) are fundamental to human well-being. In particular, non-ma... more

Journal of Arid Environments , 2021

Despite the essential office that vertebrate scavengers play in ecosystems, most studies have been ... more

Quercus , 2021

Expertos en derecho ambiental y conservación de especies amenazadas analizan en el siguiente artí... more

International Journal of Environmental Enquiry and Public Health , 2021

Intentional poisoning is a global wild animals trouble and an overlooked take a chance factor for public healt... more than

European Periodical of Wildlife Research , 2020

Identifying the virtually advisable allurement for a camera trap study is an important pace in sampling de... more

Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental , 2020

El uso ilegal del veneno es una de las principales amenazas para la conservación de especies, par... more

Ecological Indicators , 2020

In today's societies, scavengers play an important function as providers of nature's contribution to ... more than

Quercus , 2018

Diez años tardó la Unión Europea en rectificar la normativa que regulaba el tratamiento sanitario... more

Ecological Applications , 2022

Scavenging is a key ecological process controlling energy menses in ecosystems and providing valuab... more

Scientific Reports , 2022

Over millennia, human intervention has transformed European habitats mainly through extensive liv... more

Basic and Applied Ecology , 2022

Carrion consumption by scavengers is a central component of both terrestrial and aquatic food webs. H... more

Ambio , 2022

In recent decades, intensive techniques of livestock raising take flourished, which has largely r... more

Ecology , 2021

Species assemblages often have a non-random nested organization, which in vertebrate scavenger (c... more

Science of The Full Environment , 2022

Scavengers provide meaning nature's contributions to people (NCP), including illness command ... more

Avian Research , 2021

Electrocution and collisions on ability lines are amongst the leading causes of non-natural mortality... more than

Science of The Full Environs , 2021

Nature'due south contributions to people (NCP) may be both benign and detrimental to humans' quality ... more

Biotropica , 2021

Scavenging is widespread among vertebrates, existence very important for maintaining certain ecosyste... more

Revista General de Derecho Animal y Estudios Interdisciplinares de Bienestar Creature / Journal of Creature Police force & Interdisciplinary Animal Welfare Studies , 2021

El lobo (Canis lupus), al igual que otros grandes carnívoros, está recuperando su antiguo territo... more

Quercus , 2021

Unos 150 aerogeneradores y más de 120 kilómetros de nuevos tendidos eléctricos traerán a Cabrera ... more than

Quercus , 2021

Matar lobos no puede ser la principal herramienta de gestión de la especie bajo la cobertura lega... more

Ecological Economics , 2021

Nature's contributions to people (NCP) are cardinal to human well-being. In item, non-ma... more

Journal of Arid Environments , 2021

Despite the essential role that vertebrate scavengers play in ecosystems, almost studies have been ... more than

Quercus , 2021

Expertos en derecho ambiental y conservación de especies amenazadas analizan en el siguiente artí... more

International Periodical of Ecology Enquiry and Public Wellness , 2021

Intentional poisoning is a global wildlife problem and an overlooked risk factor for public healt... more

European Journal of Wildlife Inquiry , 2020

Identifying the most advisable bait for a camera trap study is an important step in sampling de... more than

Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental , 2020

El uso ilegal del veneno es una de las principales amenazas para la conservación de especies, par... more

Ecological Indicators , 2020

In today'due south societies, scavengers play an of import role as providers of nature's contribution to ... more

Quercus , 2018

Diez años tardó la Unión Europea en rectificar la normativa que regulaba el tratamiento sanitario... more than

Biodiversidad y procesos ecológicos en el Sureste Ibérico. Ballesteros Pelegrín, G.A., Belmonte Serrato, F., Sánchez Balibrea J.K. y Robledano Aymerich F. (eds.). Editum Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia , 2017

In Mediterranean ecosystems, ruby play a trick on (Vulpes vulpes) is one of the about widely distributed facult... more

Biodiversidad y procesos ecológicos en el Sureste Ibérico. Ballesteros Pelegrín, One thousand.A., Belmonte Serrato, F., Sánchez Balibrea J.Chiliad. y Robledano Aymerich F. (eds.). Editum Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia , 2017

Los humanos y los carroñeros han estado estrechamente relacionados y, actualmente muchas poblacio... more

The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Cardinal Asia. Rounsevell, 1000., Fischer, K., Torre-Marin Rando, A. and Mader, A. (eds.). Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Germany , 2018

This chapter addresses the boxes of the IPBES conceptual framework "nature's contributions to peo... more than

Actas de las XXVI Jornadas Técnicas SEAE. X Seminario Agroecología, Cambio Climático y Agroturismo. "Innovación Agroecológica y Cambio Climático". xix-20 de octubre de 2017 - Orihuela (Alicante). Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica / Sociedad Española de Agroecología (SEAE) , 2017

Los sistemas agroganaderos tradicionales están estrechamente relacionados con la conservación de ... more


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