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Me at work: I bust my ass at this job. I am the backbone of this company. I need a raise. Also me at work:Me: Sit! Dog: You sit! Me: Ok.Me traying to make a joke that won't offend anyone in 2017. > My wife died in a laser accident, what is your problem?????The NYC subway banned dogs on trains unless they fit into a small bag, so this guy trained his Pitbull to sit in a small bag.When your landlord says no dogs allowed.Did you just use a saxaphone as a Nike icon? Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.When your nose is stuffed and you just sit there and think about the time when it was't stuffed and how you just took breathing freely for granted.When you set your alarm every 5 minutes in the morning.Thanks for the dinner @TacoBell > @Joe You're welcome. What did you get? > @TacoBell I got diarreah but t was worth it.I can't wait to get to the part of my life where wearing suspenders with sweat pants is completely okay.
When you and your girl are arguing and you're both wrong so you start mocking each other.*Short People Suck* I wanted to erase it, but I couldn't reach the sign.Just told a guy talking on his phone in the library to shut the fuck up, and everyone applauded me, so I told them to shut the fuck up too.I told my uncle about Photoshop. He sent me this a week later.
Not A Cop: If anyone is planning any illegal activities tonight let me know. I love doing crimes.Lincoln told his Dad he wanted to learn how to train his puppy. His Dad said there was lots of Dog training videos on YouTube. So here he is, showing them to the dog!Every girl: OMG traveling is my passion! Me: Look a clock. We don't have that in America.This is the type of guy you read about in math problems.Me anytime my pet alls asleep in a cute position.Person who pays for the account. | Parasite 1. | Parasite 2. | Parasite 3.I googled 'corgi shorts' instead of 'cargo shorts' and it turned out fantastically.Me: ok I'm feeling really motivated, when I get home I'm going to sort my life out, get all of my work done and be successful. Me when I get home:When your girl says she doesn't want anything from MCDonalds but you turn your head and see her like thisPeta: Cows are friends not food. Commenter: Name one cow you're friends with.Food isn't allowed in the living room. His tablet isn't allowed in the kitchen. He beat the system. I quit.And now ladies and gentleman, may I proudly present to you, the future.I'm totally against the selfie-stick but every now and then an exception comes along.Still the best graduation cap ever: Game Of Loans. Interest is coming.Remember Ice Cube? This is him now, feel old?If I have to parallel park, don't invite me.Don't f*** with Raymond: He threw a lamp at another student and told them to "lighten the F*** up".Girl: Our relationship is over. Me: our relationship is what? Over.If you're already late, take your time. You can't be late twice.Teacher: There are no stupid questions. Me: Do you thin twins ever get themselves mixed up and forget which ones they are? Teacher: Ok wow.I'm not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhauted pigeon. – Funny memes.My girlfiend's hairclip nearly put me in cardiac arrest.How I wake up after a 5 hour nap that I took after sleeping all night long.Father of the year award goes to…This is every old man's profile picture and it's always uploaded 9 times.When the professor is passionate about teaching and you genuinely understan and enjoy the class.Me: I can't drink anymore of this beer. Other me: There's sober children in Africa, finish it.Dog Wall. Bring a photo of your dog and get $1 off your purchase.With your current account balance, which Apple product ca you buy? Apple juice.Bike still for sale? Yes it is. What's the lowest you'll go on it? 2mph. Anything less than that and you'll tip over.I couldn't find this little girl's parents so I trapped her with dinosaurs so she wouldn't run off while I find them.What the f*** is almond milk? It's milk! Show me the tit on an almond.Ron, would you like some salad? Since I'm not a rabbit, no I do not.This lady comes from a generation that knows how to enjoy the moment.My sister's maternity pics… I'm cracking upWhen you're druk and someone starts taking pictures.When you want to go back to sleep and finish the storyline of your dream.My Mum asked me for a "formal picture" of my month old baby. I sent her this.Wifi: Conected. Me: Then f***ing act like it.I WILL LOOK FOR YOU. I WILL FIND YOU. I WILL EAT YOU.Do you do sock > sock > shoe > shoe, or sock > shoe > sock > shoe. What kind of SOCIOPATH does sock shoe sock shoeThank you, student loans, for getting me through college. I don't ever think I can repay you.I like how they both look equally confused about this activity.When you're about to leave work and the oss says, "Before you go".If you start watching Shrek on December 31st at 11:48.48, Donkey saying "I'm makin waffles" will be perfectly synced with the switch from 2017 to 2018 at midnight. Which is a great way to end and start the year.When you love hunting but are a vegetarian.When you do the entire group work yourself.Leaked picture of what heaven looks like…Me: I'm so glad winter is finally over Winter:Desperately trying to trick myself into doing some work > Harry Potter And The Role Of Accounting In Public Expenditure And Monetary Policy In The First Century AD Roman EmpireWhen you sneeze so hard, your moustache changes lipsIt would serve me better if they put shopping carts in the middle of the store, where my pride realizes I have too much stuff to carry.Therapist: Anyways – Me: "Anyways" isn't a word. You mean "anyway" Therapist: ANYWAY, we were talking about your difficulty making friendsS*** eating grin gonna get itToday was ranch day at their high schoolThe homeowner said the buck shows up everyay, so they gave him a bed too.When your lego says 6-12 years but you build it i 8 months. how to start a construction company.Grandparents be like… One little snack before you go home.F*** Mathew, a decision was made here.Food is ready.When you first meet me vs. when I get comfortableWhen your friend is about to do something stupid but you want to see what happens.I only work out so I'm strong enough to hold every breed of dog like a baby.How can you eat these precious creatures????? Is this rhetorical or are you looking for recipes??When it's December 31st and someone says "See you next year!"When you successfully heat up a pizza without burning down the house. > I am proud to be Italian.When you get angry but nobody takes you seriously because you're too small.Another wild Saturday night.Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the reason I have trust issues.I just found out I'm colour blind. I'm shocked. It totally came out of the purple.When you wait for someone so you can eat together but they say that they already ate.$25+$5 shipping. > $30 free shipping.What kind of turtle is this?Asked my husband how everything was going, he sends me this.When your pet falls asleep on you and you don't want to wake it so you just sit their until you die of natural causes.ENTRY LEVEL JOB OPENING: Hiring recent college grads. REQUIREMENTS: 5 years experience, 6 Olympic gold medals, and superpowers.
There needs to be a Yelp for coworkers: Gary in Accounting – 3.2/5 stars. "He can't read emails for shit, but he'll occasionally bring in donuts for everyone."So yeah I'm his Queen. Bruh I deadass didn't see him in the first pic lmfaooo – funny memes.Just accidently emailed a porn link to a coworker. So I emailed ten other coworkers the link and called it a virus. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.Ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself.When you're in hopsital thinking you've got a small fever, but then the cast of The Avengers come in full costume to visit you*Frantically waiving hands and chasing down ice-cream truck" HEY WAIT! "What'll it be lady?" *Out of breath* "Nothing. I just wanted to tell you I'm vegan."When someone has explained something to you 7 times and you still don't get it and hope they forgive how stupid you are.Interviewer: how would you describe yourself? Me: Verbally, but I've also prepared a dance.If you're having a bad day, please remember that a man from Canada known as Bichaelangelo uses a GPS tracker of his bike rides to draw pictures.
Schrodinger plates. They're both broken and not broken until you upen the door.
Why is there no Flat Mars Society?You know when you're a fast walker and the guy ahead of you is fast too but only 90% as fast as you, so you MUST pass him, but to pass him you have to walk comically faster than your normal speed, or else you'll be in his personal space too long as you pass? That's annying.Her: I'm leaving you because you're too cocky. Him: Close the door on your way back in.When the teacher uses your name as a good example.When the teacher leaves the curser on the play bar so it can't dissapear. Move the mouse.The US men's curling team looks like a group of Dads that were just trying to get away from their families for the weekend but somehow ended up competing in the Olympics.I can't unsee "Captain Tiny Arm" and his baby sidekick "Mega Hand"I've been telling my white friend he looks like Woody from Toy Story. He sends me this picture randomly.When you're giving a presentation in class and the teacher has to quiet the class down and you just stand there like"This house has been haunted for 700 years. Any person who has walked in has mysteriously dissapeared." White people:When you have a nice hat and someone mentions it and you feel nice.When you clean out the vacuum cleaner, you become the vacuum cleaner.That epic moment The Rock and Dwayne Johnson finally met.When you finally see that b**** a** mosquito.What does it look like I do for a living? Solve mysteries with a dog.When you're deleting songs you don't listen to anymore and you come across that song that's been in your playlist since day 1.Who remembers the 'temporary' buildings at school that were up for decades.Car commercials that show a middle class husband buying his wife a car as a gift is so unrealistic. It's like "hey honey, as a gift this year I mad a huge financial decision without your approval, you might wanna look for a second job, Merry Christmas."Ventriloquist: I'm a ventriloquist. Me: Are you any good? Me: The best. Me: wtfHow it feels when you go to the bathroom without your phone.Am I high af or does it look like this lady's hair is a dog wearing sunglasses.This photo of Donald Trump's Mum looks like a character in a film about Trump's life where Trump plays all the roles.When you pause the music, but keep the headphones on, so you can eavesdrop.Friend: Come in, he don't biteI bet you couldn't make a sentence without "a". > You thought you just did someting here didn't you? Well sorry to burst your bubble but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon.
When you watch a vid for 30 minutes of ad free listening but ads come back after 25 minutes. > This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.When you hear someone breaking into the house, but you always get in trouble for barking. *Barks internally*.ISIS (but chill this is for class)Me: I should calmly explain to him what's bothering me. Me to me: Tell him goodnight at 5pm.If Lays made bread…"911 what is your emergency" Dog: My owner has been gone for 0.2 seconds 911: Have you tried eating the couch?As a job-stealing imigrant, I now have 36 jobs and counting. I keep them in my basement like some kind of job dragon. What you gonna do?Me after I pressure all of my friends into getting f***ed up.When you try to pull the hotel blanket out from where it's tucked.When you and your bff are recovering after a night of drinking.We all know someone who reads speed signs like this: 70ishMe after laughing at my own jokes.@ShaggyOfficial Can't live a lie anymore. It was me.Wanna know why I hate vapers? You smell donuts or cotton candy and turn a corner thinking 'mmmm I'm gonna treat myself to something tasty.' But NO. It's just Brad and his cloud of lies.When my coworker and I are having a conversation and a customer interrupts us.I'm dead. This baby looks like she really doesn't believe a thing you just said. "Look I've got your nose!"Brandii DO NOT touch my food. I have 7 shrimps and 4,562 rice.When you have the perfect meme for a situation but have to search through your 800+ memes archiveBiggest drug bust of 2018.When you tag your friend in a meme and they respond in 0.5 seconds. Dats muh b***hhhhWhen someone is talking about chemistry and you remember salt is sodium chloride. > You know, I'm something of a scientist myself. – Funy memes.The Flat Earch Society has members all around the globe. Say that again, but slowly.Sitting in an airport restaurant listening to a young couple FaceTime with their baby and his grandparents. It'sso adorable and they are obviously having serious seperation anxiety on their trip. They are cooing and gushing and exclaiming "Well look at YOU, big boy! So big! So handsome! Are you being so good for Nana???" Then one million questions for Nana about how the feeding and pooping are going, and a reminder about favourite blankies and toys. They ask to say goodbye to baby one last time, and they nearly collapse with joy when he's back on the screen. "Mommy and Daddy love you! You are the best boy!! We're coming home so soon!" I'm literally crying into my latter because it's so precious and I turn around to try and get a sneak peak at the baby on their FaceTime video. It's a yellow lab.When you throw out the packaging of a microwave dinner and immediately forget how long to microwave it for. > The sacred texts!When you wake up after a long night of drinking and you're fine because it was water.I f***ing hate being cat fished by a parking space. Get so excited, go to pull in.. and there's a Fiat 500 in there.How to properly end things before 2018
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About the Author
Our wily wordsmith, Tom, is a key weaver of yarns and the chief storyteller at Octopus HQ. Tom writes words of wit and wisdom which can be read on Yellow Blogtopus. He also helps pen the praiseworthy product descriptions that help you decide what you feel like purchasing from us. Along with our Marketing Maestro, he helps brain storm and devise new plans for how to spread the name of Yellow Octopus to deserving Australians from Kakadu all the way to King Island.
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